ISDC1997 Latest News!

16th International SpaceDevelopment Conference

Download Meal & Tour RegistrationForms!

Go to the Tour& Meal Events Registration Informationarea to download a meal & tour registration form in Adobe Acrobatformat. Print an original-looking form on your own printer. Save timewasted waiting for us to mail or fax you a form! Download a form andfax it back today! (4/28/97)

Daily Rates Established For FloridaResidents!

Florida residents with proof of residency canattend a single day of ISDC 1997 for $25. Children 15 years of age oryounger are free when accompanied by a paying adult. Daily rates arenot available in advance, only at the door. Daily registrants are noteligible to purchase tickets to conference meals or special events(e.g., KSC tours or SpaceCamp Open House).

Detailed Matrix Of Tentative ProgrammingOn-Line!

Go to the ConferenceProgram page to see the latest version ofthe programming matrix. (4/18/97)

Education Track Programming MatrixOn-Line!

Go to the EducationTrack site to see the final form of thethree-track educational workshop schedule. (4/18/97)

Tour & Meal Event PricesEstablished!

Go to the Tour& Events page to see pricinginformation for the KSC tours, SpaceCamp Open House, and meal events.Tour & Meal Event Registration Forms are being mailed to ISDC1997 registrants.Pleasenote that the date for the SpaceCamp Open House shown on the form isin error; it should read Saturday, May 24.(4/18/97)

Omni Rosen Hotel Booking Fast! ReserveYour Room NOW!

The instructions sheet for the ISDC 1997 secondaryregistration packet mentions a room block of 400 rooms forISDC. This is incorrect! We have 525 room nightsblocked, which translates into a maximum of only 125rooms on Saturday night (fewer on other nights). The OmniRosen's owner has a policy of ensuring that all his hotels are filledevery night, and they are very agressive about booking rooms totourists. The ISDC1997 room block at the Omni Rosen expires May 3. To ensure that youcan stay at the conference hotel, book your room immediately!Go to the ConferenceHotel site for information on contactingthe Omni Rosen. (4/18/97)

Nurses' Conference Room Block On OmniRosen Rooms Expires April 24

Many people trying to reserve a room at the OmniRosen for Wednesday, May 21, have had difficulty doing so because alarge nursing conference has a room block for nearly the entire hotel(1,100 rooms blocked). Their room block will expire on April 24, andany rooms not used by the nursing conference will be available toISDC 1997 registrants (and everyone else!). If you are coming toOrlando Wednesday night, book your room at the Omni for May 22 on,and reserve a room at an alternativehotel site for Wednesday, May 21. Thencontact the Omni after April 24 to see if you can obtain an OmniRosen room for Wednesday. Don't forget to cancel your reservation atthe alternative site! (4/18/97)

HALO Rockoon LaunchCanceled!

The HAL5 NSS Chapter HALO RockoonLaunch originally scheduled for Saturday, May 24 has beencancelled by HAL5. (4/18/97)


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